Before Cartesian interpolation is allowed (JOG_CART or linear/circular interpolation), the axes must be initially aligned by means of PTP interpolation. Take this into account in terms of the application. The PTP movement may be paused but must not be stopped by means of program stop. Only a few (< 10) assigning instructions (e.g. SET_MOTIONSET, SET_BOOLVAR) may precede the PTP instruction in the SRL program and no wait instructions (e.g. WAIT_TIME) or other motion commands. Otherwise, there will be a jump in the setpoints for the axes and, as a consequence, usually a lag error.
A PTP movement must also be executed completely again initially after each jog operation by means of JOG_AXIS or JOG_JOINT.
However, after an interruption of the program execution, for example due to an emergency stop, it is possible to continue directly in the program by means of Repositioning (BackToPath).