Static coordinate systems

The robot moves to the path points specified in the program in the basic state in the BASE coordinate system. Furthermore, it is possible to use any number of different, self-defined USER coordinate systems. For example, the same motion path can in this way be executed at different places in relation to the USER coordinate system set in each case. It is also possible to measure the position and rotation of a pallet and to use it as a transformation of the USER coordinate system, so that palletizing is always carried out in the same way regardless of the displacement in relation to the pallet.

To use the function, "USER" is set in the SRL program of the coordinate system. The subsequent path points are approached in the USER coordinate system. The different USER coordinate systems are managed in the IEC program in the current version of the software. Changeover can be made, for example in a CallFunction. For further information on usage, refer to chapter Static USER coordinate systems.