Options for defining the circle


Of the Center.X/Y/Z, Interpos.X/Y/Z and Endpos.X/Y/Z variables, only the two coordinates in the particular set coordinate plane XY, YZ and ZX are used.




  • Input of the circle center in Center.X/Y/Z
  • Input of the angle to be covered in Angle

INFORMATION: By default, the circle center is specified relative to the start point of the circle segment. By means of the SET_ABS_REL_POS command, the input of absolute coordinates can also be set under "CircAuxPos".


  • Input of the circle center in Center.X/Y/Z
  • Input of the circle end point in Endpos.X/Y/Z

INFORMATION: By default, the circle center is specified relative to the start point of the circle segment. By means of the SET_ABS_REL_POS command, the input of absolute coordinates can also be set under "CircAuxPos".

INFORMATION: The circle center is corrected automatically. The limit value for the correction of the circle center can be set in the configuration of the software module. If a larger displacement would be required, the error message 16#7e43 "CircleCenterCorrectionLargerThanThreshold" is issued.


  • Input of an intermediate point on the circle segment in Interpos.X/Y/Z
  • Input of the circle end point in Endpos.X/Y/Z

INFORMATION: The intermediate point on the circle segment is specified by default relative to the starting point of the circle segment. By means of the SET_ABS_REL_POS command, the input of absolute coordinates can also be set under "CircAuxPos".


  • Input of the circle radius in Radius
  • Input of the angle to be covered in Angle

INFORMATION: The circle segment is tangentially attached to a previous path segment. For this purpose, there must be a previous straight line or circle segment with a tangent at the end point that is not aligned perpendicular to the set coordinate plane of the new circle segment.


  • Input of the circle radius in Radius
  • Input of the circle end point in Endpos.X/Y/Z

INFORMATION: When a negative radius is entered, the longer of the two possible arcs to the circle end point is selected. When a positive radius is entered, the shorter arc is selected.