Referencing mode


Unexpected movement of the robot when acknowledging a fault in referencing mode while the referencing input signal is set (start).
Death, severe injuries or damage to property.
- Before acknowledging a fault in jog mode, make sure that no referencing signal is set.
Referencing mode is used to set the axis zero point.
Referencing of the drives is triggered by the Start referencing signals for axes 1 to 6. When the inverter is referenced, the associated signal Axis 1 - 6 referenced is set to "TRUE".
When switching to referencing mode during a movement (e.g. a movement triggered by a program), the kinematic model is decelerated with the emergency stop ramps defined in the configuration.
If one of the Start Referencing signals of axes 1 to 6 is set to "TRUE" while switching to referencing mode, referencing is triggered for the corresponding axis. In this case, no rising edge of the Start referencing signal is required.
Referencing is configured in the drive functions of the respective drive axis under "FCB 12 Reference travel". For more information, refer to the operating instructions of the respective frequency inverter.
For more information on referencing, refer to chapter Controlling referencing in this manual.