Fault 16 Startup

Subfault: 16.1

Description: Motor not started up


Response: Output stage inhibit



Motor not started up or not started up completely.

Perform complete motor startup.

Subfault: 16.2

Description: Cannot calculate controller parameters


Response: Output stage inhibit



Delay of encoder in use too long to calculate required filter coefficients.

Use an encoder with a shorter delay, or contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.

Subfault: 16.3

Description: Thermal motor model not possible


Response: Output stage inhibit



Invalid parameters for thermal motor model or for drive enable although starting up thermal model not yet completed.

Check the parameters of the thermal motor model, and perform startup.

Subfault: 16.5

Description: Current limit smaller than magnetizing current of the motor


Response: Output stage inhibit



Current limit smaller than magnetizing current of the motor calculated by active control mode.

Increase the current limit. Required magnetizing current: See diagnostics parameters of control mode.

Subfault: 16.6

Description: Control mode not possible


Response: Output stage inhibit



When starting up a synchronous third-party motor, some control modes and drive functions are only permitted after a parameter measurement.

Perform a motor parameter measurement using the drive function FCB 25.

Wrong control mode selected for the motor.

Choose a control mode that matches the selected motor.

Subfault: 16.7

Description: PWM frequency not possible


Response: Output stage inhibit



The motor cannot be operated with the inverter. The motor requires a higher PWM frequency than the inverter can provide.

Use an inverter with a suitable PWM frequency range.

Specified PWM frequency not allowed for this power output stage.

Choose another PWM frequency. The possible PWM frequencies can be found in the device configuration data.

Subfault: 16.8

Description: Temperature sensor motor 1


Response: Output stage inhibit



Faulty startup of temperature sensor of motor 1.

Perform startup again.

Subfault: 16.9

Description: Temperature sensor motor 2


Response: Output stage inhibit



Faulty startup of temperature sensor of motor 2.

Perform startup again.

Subfault: 16.10

Description: Actual position source not assigned


Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit



Active control mode requires an encoder for position mode.

– Assign actual position source in encoder assignment of the active drive train (index 8565.3 or 8566.3).

– If no encoder is installed, activate the FCBs only using "torque control" or "speed control" operating modes.

Subfault: 16.11

Description: Motor data calculation error


Response: Output stage inhibit



Motor startup not possible because of inconsistent motor data or wrong device configuration data.

Check the motor data for plausibility, or contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.

Subfault: 16.12

Description: Motor data write sequence


Response: Output stage inhibit



Subindex 1 not written to zero before writing electrical startup parameters (index 8357, 8360, 8394, 8420 or 8358, 8361, 8395, 8421).

Reset the error. Set parameters 8360/1 or 8361/1 to "0" before writing additional parameters.

Subfault: 16.13

Description: Several motor protection models are active


Response: Output stage inhibit



More than one model active at the same time in thermal motor monitoring, e.g. for asynchronous motor and synchronous motor.

If the startup parameters were changed manually, switch off motor monitoring.

In all other cases, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.

Subfault: 16.20

Description: Nominal speed too high or nominal frequency too low


Response: Output stage inhibit



During startup using nameplate data: Nominal speed too high or nominal frequency too low. The resulting number of pole pairs is 0.

Enter plausible motor data (nominal speed and nominal frequency).

Subfault: 16.21

Description: Nominal slip negative


Response: Output stage inhibit



During startup using nameplate data, the calculated nominal slip is negative: Nominal frequency too low, or nominal speed too high, or number of pole pairs too high.

Enter plausible motor data (nominal frequency, nominal speed, number of pole pairs).

Subfault: 16.22

Description: Specify the number of pole pairs


Response: Output stage inhibit



During startup using nameplate data: It is not possible to calculate the number of pole pairs accurately from nominal frequency and nominal speed.

Enter the number of pole pairs.

Subfault: 16.23

Description: Plausibility check failed


Response: Output stage inhibit



During startup using nameplate data: The estimated nominal power does not match the entered nominal power.

Check entered nameplate data for plausibility.

Subfault: 16.24

Description: Speed controller sampling cycle not possible with current PWM frequency or current control mode


Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit



At a PWM frequency of "2.5 kHz", only the speed controller sampling cycle of 2 ms is permitted. For ELSM® control mode, the only permitted speed controller sampling cycles are 1 ms and 2 ms.

Increase the PWM frequency or increase the sampling cycle of the speed controller to 2 ms. Set the sampling cycle to 1 ms or 2 ms for ELSM® control mode.

Subfault: 16.25

Description: User-defined current limit too low for standstill current


Response: Output stage inhibit



User-defined current limit value too small for minimum standstill current.

Increase the user-defined current limit, or disable the standstill current function.

Subfault: 16.26

Description: Nominal values incomplete or implausible


Response: Output stage inhibit



During startup using nameplate data: Nominal voltage, nominal current, nominal speed or nominal torque are not entered or are not plausible.

Enter or check nominal voltage, nominal current, nominal speed, and nominal torque.

Subfault: 16.27

Description: Maximum current or maximum torque not plausible


Response: Output stage inhibit



During startup using nameplate data: Maximum current or maximum torque not entered, or maximum current and maximum torque not plausible.

Check the maximum current and maximum torque.

Subfault: 16.30

Description: Faulty EtherCAT® EEPROM configuration status


Response: Warning



Faulty EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS EEPROM configuration status.

EEPROM not loaded; binary file not loaded.

Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.

Faulty EEPROM loading procedure.

Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.

Faulty EEPROM checksum.

Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.

Subfault: 16.40

Description: Data of selected motor not valid


Response: Output stage inhibit



Startup data set on replaceable memory module not valid for this motor.

Replace the memory module.

Subfault: 16.41

Description: Data of selected motor does not exist


Response: Output stage inhibit



No startup data set found on the replaceable memory module for the selected motor.

Check the selection and, if necessary, start up another motor or replace the memory module.

Subfault: 16.60

Description: Parameter setting for 3-wire control not valid


Response: Warning



No 3-wire control stop terminal parameterized.

Set stop terminal parameters.