P6-09 Droop speed/load distribution control

Setting range: 0.0 – 25.0%

This function requires one motor for each inverter. In applications where several motors drive a common load, but different motor loads occur due to mechanical reasons, this function can balance the load of individual motors. Group drives are not possible.

This function is available in all speed-controlled vector operating modes.

With the setting P6-09 = 0.0, this function is deactivated. With setting P6-09 > 0.0, this function induces a reduction of the actual speed compared to the setpoint speed for increased load.

Droop speed = setpoint speed - P6-09 × P1-09 × MA/MN

MA = current application torque

MN = nominal motor torque

In most cases, a small value in P6-09 is sufficient to achieve an adequate load distribution. If the value is too high, the actual speed controls towards 0 for small setpoint speeds or high loads.