P2-37 Enable behavior/changeover behavior

Keypad mode (P1-12 = 1, 2):

Defines the inverter switching and enable behavior when controlled via the integrated keypad (P1-12 = 1 or 2).

The selection depends on the setting in P1-15.

Setting range: 0 – 1 – 7

Changeover behavior when the setpoint source switches to keypad mode:


The motor speed changes to the minimum speed from P1-02.


The motor speed changes to the last keypad speed set.


The current motor speed is applied during changeover.


The motor speed changes to the fixed setpoint speed from P2-08.


The motor speed changes to the minimum speed from P1-02.


The motor speed changes to the last keypad speed set.


The current motor speed is applied during changeover.


The motor speed changes to the fixed setpoint speed from P2-08.

Changeover behavior when the inverter is enabled in keypad mode:


The motor starts at the minimum speed from P1-02.


The motor starts at the last keypad speed set.


The motor starts at the minimum speed from P1-02.


The motor starts at the fixed setpoint speed from P2-08.

4 With the setting 4 to 7, the inverter is started with the corresponding enable digital input. The <Start> and <Stop> keys on the keypad have no function. You can modify the speed with the <Up> and <Down> keys.

The motor starts at the minimum speed from P1-02.


The motor starts at the last keypad speed set.


The motor starts at the minimum speed from P1-02.


The motor starts at the fixed setpoint speed from P2-08.

Fieldbus mode (P1-12 = 5, 6, 7):

Applies both when changing over the setpoint source and also when enabling the inverter. With the setting 0 to 3, the inverter is started with the fieldbus enable and an additional hardware enable. The setpoint speed is transferred from the fieldbus.

With the setting 4 to 7, the inverter is started only with the hardware enable (the fieldbus enable is not required). The setpoint speed is transferred from the fieldbus.