Direct referencing

With direct referencing, the reference position is entered in the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool. The offset is calculated when activating (0 → 1 edge) direct referencing.

During the referencing, the drive must be in an idle state and the position must not move by more than the parameterized positional tolerance (basic settings) for 500 ms.

The direct referencing function can be activated by the following sources:

  • F-DI (function assignment)
  • Safe process output data (referencing)

The direct referencing via the safe process data is selected on the "Activate direct referencing" via high level. In case of an error-free selection, the status (Index 8700.103 Bit 10) and the "Referencing active" bit have a high level in the safe process input data. With a rising edge, it is executed on the "Direct referencing execution" bit of the safe process output data. After selection, 60 seconds remain for execution. Afterwards, a warning message appears and a direct referencing must be selected again.

If a safe digital input (F-DI) has been assigned, the bits of the safe process output data (F-PO) are not evaluated.

No referencing data is saved on the safety option if direct referencing is interrupted. All the encoders that are to be referenced via direct referencing are subsequently not referenced. The "F-PI_Referenced" signal is afterwards logically "0".