SDI safety sub-function with MOVISAFE® CS..A

The SDI function monitors the movement in the blocked direction of rotation. The STO safety sub-function is activated when the configured tolerance is violated.

The function can be activated by means of a safe digital input F‑DI via safe process data (SDI 1, SDI 2), or the function can be activated permanently via the parameterization.

When the SDI safety sub-function is activated, the limit position is calculated based on the actual position detected by the encoder system at this point in time and the Tolerance and Permitted direction of movement parameters. The limit position is corrected for movements in the permitted direction of movement, which means the limit position is recalculated cyclically from the current actual position and the tolerance. This means the maximum distance to the actual position is the configured tolerance. The maximum speed may not be exceeded during the movement. In case of movement in the inhibited direction of movement or if a limit position is exceeded, a fault response is issued. The limit position is calculated again during acknowledgment after violation of a limit value, or after an encoder fault. The position on which the recalculation is based is the actual position detected at the time of acknowledgment. The SDI function does not monitor the speed.