Test mode

The limit value violation of the safety sub-functions SS1, SS2, and SOS can be tested when test mode is active.

The test mode suppresses the basic device control (FCB selection).

The test mode is activated by a rising edge (0 → 1) at a safe digital input or via the safe process output data (F-PO).

The status of the test mode is signaled by the safe process data (process data bit: Test mode active), in the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool and via the LED display.

The test mode is automatically exited in the following cases:

  • During parameterization of the safety option.
  • By opening the internal safe digital output F-DO_STO (e.g. fault response, limit violation, activation of STO safety sub-function).
  • 5 minutes after activation.

Once it automatically finishes, the test mode can be activated again with a rising edge.