Fault 29 HW limit switch

Error: 29.1 (1D01hex | 7425dec)

Description: Positive limit switch hit


Response: HW limit switch – current drive train



Positive hardware limit switch hit.

– Check the wiring of the hardware limit switch.

– Check the target position.

– Leave the hardware limit switch in the opposite direction.

Error: 29.2 (1D02hex | 7426dec)

Description: Negative limit switch hit


Response: HW limit switch – current drive train



Negative hardware limit switch hit.

– Check the wiring of the hardware limit switch.

– Check the target position.

– Leave the hardware limit switch in the opposite direction.

Error: 29.3 (1D03hex | 7427dec)

Description: Limit switch missing


Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit



Positive and negative hardware limit switches hit at the same time.

– Check the wiring of the hardware limit switches.

– Check the parameter setting of the digital inputs.

– Check the parameter setting of the process output data.

Error: 29.4 (1D04hex | 7428dec)

Description: Limit switches swapped


Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit



The fault can be caused as follows:

– The positive hardware limit switch was hit with a negative direction of rotation or

– The negative hardware limit switch was hit with a positive direction of rotation.

Check whether the hardware limit switch connections are swapped.