Anti-sway control


Only included if the function is activated in the "Basic settings" configuration menu under "Functions used".

Parameter name


Anti-sway control

Application type


INFORMATION: The availability of the individual application types depends on the version of the software module used.

Selection of the application type

  • No oscillation
  • Tower sway
  • Pendulum sway
  • Belly sway
  • Fluid sway
  • Spring sway

Index: 50014.1

IEC name: Controller.AntiSway.Config.eApplicationType

User unit travel axis

  • mm
  • m
  • User-defined unit

Index: 50014.2

IEC name: -

Conversion factor for user units in meters


INFORMATION: Can only be changed if the user unit for the travel axis is a "User-defined unit".

Position relationship between the user unit from the drive train and one meter.

If the value is set to "0", the user unit corresponds to one meter. For all other values, one meter is the product of the user unit and the specified value. If a negative value is entered, the effective direction can be changed in conjunction with the anti-sway offset.

Default value: 0

Index: 50014.2

IEC name: Controller.AntiSway.Config.lrUserUnitToMeter

Setpoint correction selection


INFORMATION: Only visible in expert mode.

  • Off
  • Anti-sway (recommended)
  • Bandstop
  • Tension build-up time filter

Index: 50014.30

IEC name: Controller.AntiSway.Config.SetpointCorrection.eSelector

Source of lifting height

  • Configuration value
  • Configured axis

Index: 50014.4

IEC name: -

Name of lifting axis

INFORMATION: Only visible if source of lifting height is "Configured axis".

Selection of the axis or axis group controlling the lifting height.

Index: 50014.3

IEC name: -

Anti-sway offset

INFORMATION: Only visible if source of lifting height is "Configured axis".

Activate to include the difference between the physical height and the actual position of the lifting axis.

Default value: 0

Index: 50014.6

IEC name: -

User unit lifting axis

INFORMATION: Only visible if source of lifting height is "Configured axis".

Specify the user unit of the lifting axis:

  • mm
  • m
  • User-defined unit

Index: 50014.9

IEC name: -

Conversion factor for user unit in meters

INFORMATION: Only visible if source of lifting height is "Configured axis".

INFORMATION: Can only be configured if the "User unit lifting axis" is a "User-defined unit".

Position relationship between the user unit from the drive train and one meter.

If the value is set to "0", the user unit corresponds to one meter. For all other values, one meter is the product of the user unit and the specified value.

Default value: 0.001

Index: 50014.5

IEC name: -

Basic settings (setting fields visible depending on application type)

Height of the tower

Height of the tower in [m]

Default value: 1

Index: 50014.10

IEC name: Controller.AntiSway.Config.DriveTrain.lrHeightTower

Distance between lifting and traveling trolley

Distance from lifting axis to travel axis in [m]

Value at the time of measurement of the period duration or value at the time of operation, if "Source of lifting height" is set to "Configuration value".

Default value: 1

Index: 50014.11

IEC name: Controller.AntiSway.Config.DriveTrain.lrDistanceHoistToCar

Mass of the lifting trolley

Mass of the vertical drive without payload mass and without shuttle in [kg]

Default value: 1

Index: 50014.13

IEC name: Controller.AntiSway.Config.DriveTrain.lrMassHoist

Mass of the payload

Mass of the payload in [kg]

The shuttle is included in the payload.

Default value: 1

Index: 50014.14

IEC name: Controller.AntiSway.Config.DriveTrain.lrMassPayload

Mass of the tower

Mass of the tower without trolley, vertical drive, load mass and shuttle in [kg]

Default value: 1

Index: 50014.15

IEC name: Controller.AntiSway.Config.DriveTrain.lrMassTower

Support for parameter determination

Show supported parameters for determining the "Spring stiffness between tower and trolley" and "Damping ratio between tower and trolley" parameters.

Index: 50014.250

IEC name: -

Oscillation amplitude

INFORMATION: Only visible if "Support for parameter determination" is active.

First peak of the oscillation amplitude

Index: 50014.110

IEC name: -

Oscillation amplitude

INFORMATION: Only visible if "Support for parameter determination" is active.

Second peak of the oscillation amplitude

Index: 50014.111

IEC name: -

Oscillation period

INFORMATION: Only visible if "Support for parameter determination" is active.

Time between first and second oscillation amplitude

Index: 50014.112

IEC name: -

Spring stiffness between tower and trolley

Spring constant between tower and horizontal drive in [Nm/rad]

Index: 50014.16

IEC name: Controller.AntiSway.Config.DriveTrain.lrSpringTowerToCar

Damping ratio between tower and trolley

Damping constant between tower and trolley in [Nm/(rad/s)]

Index: 50014.17

IEC name: Controller.AntiSway.Config.DriveTrain.lrDampTowerToCar

Time window

Cycle time of the HighPrio task for limit value calculation

Cycle time of the HighPrio task in [ms]

INFORMATION: The value must be taken over manually from the "Cycle time HighPrio task" parameter (40001.30) of the higher-level controller. This is the only way to ensure that the parameters "Jerk time tension build-up" and "Ramp time tension build-up" are checked correctly.

Default value: 1

Index: 50014.57

IEC name: -

Ramp time tension build-up

Ramp time for the mechanical tension build-up in [s]

Maximum ≤ 2000 * cycle time of the PLC

Default value: 0.05

Index: 50014.41

IEC name: Controller.AntiSway.Config.SetpointCorrection.TensionTimes.lrRampTime

Jerk time tension build-up

Jerk time for the mechanical tension build-up in [s]

Maximum ≤ 2000 * cycle time of the PLC

Default value: 0.3

Index: 50014.40

IEC name: Controller.AntiSway.Config.SetpointCorrection.TensionTimes.lrJerkTime

General information for assessing the design

(Only visible if "Support for parameter determination" is active.)

Resonant frequency

Frequency at which the oscillating system can oscillate with maximum amplitude

Index: 50014.55

IEC name: -

Maximum acceleration

Acceleration for deflection calculation
in [m/s]

Index: 50014.113

IEC name: -

Deflection at lifting height

Deflection at lifting height in [m] calculated from the parameterization. This value is used for the plausibility check against reality and design calculations. If the deflection is not plausible, an incorrect parameterization can be assumed.

Index: 50014.114

IEC name: -

Auxiliary tower mass

Value resulting from all other parameters in [kg]

Index: 50014.127

IEC name: -

Auxiliary tower height

Value resulting from all other parameters in [m]

Index: 50014.126

IEC name: -

Auxiliary deflection

Value resulting from all other parameters in [rad]

Index: 50014.128

IEC name: -