
Parameter name


Extended drive train data

Gear unit ratio

Total gear unit ratio of the configured gear unit and the additional transmission

Index: 50010.20

IEC name: _fbController._stConfig.stConfigDriveTrain.lrGearRatio

Effective radius

Radius of a theoretically configured drive wheel for reducing the drive train in [m]

Index: 50010.21

IEC name: _fbController._stConfig.stConfigDriveTrain.lrRadius_Pulley

Inverter scaling

Displays numerator, denominator, number of decimal places, as well as the unit for position, speed, and acceleration.

Index: 8554.1-4 (position), 8557.1-4 (speed), 8560.1-4 (acceleration)

IEC name: -

Recommended resolution

Displays the recommended number of decimal places for position, speed, and acceleration.

Index: -

IEC name: -