MOVI-PLC motion protocol (P1-12 = 8)

If you operate the inverter with or without LTX encoder module, with MOVI-PLC® or CCU, the following parameters have to be set on the inverter:

  • Set P1-14 to "1" for access to the LTX-specific parameter group. Parameters P1-01P1-20 are then visible.
  • If a HIPERFACE® encoder is connected to the encoder card, then P1-16 indicates the proper motor type. If not, select the respective motor type using the "Up" and "Down" keys.
  • Assign a unique inverter address in P1-19.
  • Set the SBus baud rate (P1-20) to "1000 kBaud".
  • Perform a Drive Startup with the MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio software.