Activating the CIP Safety™ safety protocol

In the delivery state, no safety protocol is activated in the safety option. This is the prerequisite so that the CIP Safety™ safety protocol is activated in the safety option via the EtherNet/IP™ interface. The changeover takes place in the parameter object with class code 0x0F of the EtherNet/IP™ interface and the instance 4. To that end, the user must write the value "1" to attribute 1 in the data object via the CIP service Set_Attribute_Single. In the safety option, the changeover to CIP Safety™ is carried out internally and is saved to non-volatile memory. Using the CIP service Get_Attribute_Single, you can read whether the CIP Safety™ function is activated or deactivated from the EtherNet/IP™ interface connection.

All address parameters are configured by a fail-safe controller or its engineering tool using CIP mechanisms. The administrative rights for the CIP Safety™ target can be reset only via safety reset type 2.