Setting FSoE master SCU-1/EC in the SafePLC2 configuration tool

The devices with the MOVISAFE ® CS..A safety options are implemented and available as of version SafePLC2

Proceed as follows:

  1. Start the SafePLC2 configuration tool.
  2. Integrate a corresponding FSoE master into the project.
  3. The devices are available in the library under [Slaves] > [Axis]. Add a device into the project according to the wiring diagram.
  4. Select the profile matching the safety option used.
  5. Make the required settings.
    • "Slave address" choice box
    • Here you select the FSoE address specified in the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool in MOVISUITE®.
    • "Watchdog" choice box
    • Transmission is monitored via timers (watchdog) that are checked in each FSoE station in the network. In this way, an interruption in the transmission can be reliably detected. Default: 200 ms. Recommended: 250 ms.
    • "Connection ID" choice box
    • Set this value to "1".
    • "RT Ethernet Bus" drop-down list
    • The clock-synchronous EtherCAT® is connected to the SCU at "ECAT in" and "ECAT out". Choose "ECAT".
    • "Application Parameter Length" choice box
    • Set this value to "4".
    • "Parameter CRC" choice box
    • For this value, refer to MOVISUITE® once you have successfully parameterized the CS..A safety option using the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool.
  6. Call up the function block diagram.
  7. After creating the appropriate profile, transfer this profile to the function block diagram of the SafePLC2 configuration tool using the corresponding green arrow.
  8. In the function block diagram of the SafePLC2 configuration tool, you now have access to all available safety sub-functions of the safety option.
  9. Load the configuration into the FSoE master module SCU.