Parameterization procedure

This chapter describes the parameterization of the safety sub-functions step-by-step.

  1. Start MOVISUITE®.
  2. Scan the network.
  3. Scan the network that contains your engineering interface to the device (USB, Ethernet, etc.).
  4. Start the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool.
  5. Start the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool from the MOVISUITE® interface.
  6. A window opens with a prompt to enter the ID of the safety key and the password.
  7. Enter the safety key ID number of the device and establish a connection.
  8. Enter the safety key ID of the safety option to be parameterized and the corresponding password, and confirm the entry with [OK].
  9. The safety key ID is printed on the safety key. During the first connection, you can set a password by entering it twice.
  10. The querying of the safety key ID ensures that the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool connects to the correct device.
  11. As an alternative, you can read the safety key ID via the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool. Proceed as follows:
    • Click the [Read safety key ID] button.
    • Check whether the addressed device signals a read safety key ID operation via the "F‑RUN" LED (see chapter "F-RUN" LED). This process should take a maximum of one minute. After one minute, the device LED will stop flashing and confirmation of the flashing code will no longer be accepted. In this case, restart the flashing code query.
    • The read safety key ID is applied in the "Safety key ID" field.
  12. Upload the current parameterization of the device.
  13. Once the safety key ID has been entered, the current parameterization of the CS..A safety option is compared to the current parameterization in the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool. If both data sets are identical, the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool starts. In case of deviation, a dialog opens in which the user can choose whether the data set of the safety option or the data set of the "Assist CS.." is used.
  14. Parameterization
  15. Set the parameterization according to the safety-related requirements of your application.
  16. To parameterize the MOVISAFE® CS..A safety option, call up the individual areas in the parameter tree and enter the required input values. The higher-level parameters, such as IO fault effects, fieldbus connection, encoder activation, and limit speeds of the motor are set in the "General parameters" area. The parameters of the sensors and actuators are set in the "F-DI" and "F-DO" areas. The parameters of the safety sub-functions are then set and assigned to the parameterized inputs/outputs in the "Function assignment" area.
  17. The "Assist CS.." parameterization tool creates a parameter set from all of the parameters.
  18. Transferring the parameter set to the device
  19. Clicking the [Download] button transfers the parameter set to the MOVISAFE® CS..A safety option.
  20. After the download, the transferred parameter set is checked for consistency and plausibility. Possible inconsistencies or plausibility errors are displayed and can then be corrected.

When the parameter set has been transferred to the MOVISAFE® CS..A safety option without any problems, you can start up the standard functions and, if required, connect it to the higher-level safety controller (F‑PLC).