Variant 1: Startup with default parameterization

After a safety protocol (e.g. PROFIsafe) has been activated, the MOVISAFE® CS..A safety option can be started up with the default parameterization of the safety sub-functions.

Take the following marginal conditions into consideration with this operating mode:

  • The safety protocol on the MOVISAFE® CS..A safety option is activated via the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool.

For startup, perform the following steps:

  1. Activation of the safety protocol on the MOVISAFE® CS..A safety option in the "Assist CS.." parameterization tool.
  2. Startup of the safe fieldbus and the higher-level F-PLC.
  3. Make sure that the default parameterization of the MOVISAFE® CS..A safety option is active. To do so, check the following parameters (see following figure).
    • The parameter setting status of the safety option is "Validated".
    • The preset iPar_CRC for the default parameterization in the GSDML file corresponds to the checksums of the current and accepted configuration.
  4. The acceptance of the STO function can be performed as part of the acceptance of the complete system or the acceptance of the F-PLC.