Acknowledging a limit value violation of a safety sub-function
After a limit value violation of a safety sub-function has been identified, the status of this function will become inactive. In addition, a fault of the "Warning" class will be set.
A limit value violation must always be acknowledged.
A limit value violation cannot be acknowledged through deactivation of the safety sub-function. With the exception of this, the parameterization of the fault response is at "F-PI only". With the SSM, SSR, and SLA safety sub-functions, the error is acknowledged by deactivating the safety sub-function.
The acknowledgment always affects all safety sub-functions. The safety sub-function can remain activated during the acknowledgment.
Parameterized speed filters of the safety sub-functions that have triggered a limit value violation are reset.
Note the following behavior of the safety sub-functions during an acknowledgment:
- The limit positions are recalculated.
- SLI:
- An existing limit value violation is signaled again via the acknowledgment.
- SLS:
- The delay time and the transition ramp are not recalculated; the limit speed is immediately monitored.
- SS1/2:
- The delay time and the transition ramp are not recalculated; the final state becomes immediately active (STO, SOS, SLI activation).
- SSR:
- The limit speeds are monitored once the delay time has lapsed.