G-Code Conversion


Open the dialog box to select a file (any file extension) from which the G-code should be loaded. The content is displayed in the text box [5]. If this file is changed by a third program, the user is notified and they can then update the text box [5].


Save the content of the text box [5] to the currently selected G-code file [4]


Open the dialog box to save the content of the text box [5] to a new file.


Display the path of the file currently selected in [1]


Text box containing the G-code to be converted (if [6] is selected) or the result of the converted SRL program (if [7] is selected).


Convert the content of the text box [5] into an SRL program.


Select whether to export all or only the currently selected SRL commands.


Convert the SRL program currently displayed in the SRL Editor to G-code. The result is displayed in the text box [5].
INFORMATION: Before the conversion process, select via [7] whether all or only the currently selected SRL commands should be exported.


Filter the messages in the output by type.


Display of messages (information, warnings, errors)