Configuring the "MultiMotion touchprobe"

To use the touchprobe positions of the inverters as the source ("InverterTouchprobe" source) for the touchprobe function of MOVIKIT® robotics, the touchprobe function of all individual axes of the robot must be configured accordingly (except axes subordinate to a MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController).

The touchprobe function of the inverters is activated in the configuration menu "Basic settings" of MOVIKIT® MultiMotion under "Functions used". The configuration of MOVIKIT® MultiMotion is then extended by the configuration menu described below. The following table provides notes on the setting options of this configuration menu with regard to using the function together with MOVIKIT® Robotics. Usually the default settings can be used. For a detailed description of the configuration menu, refer to the MOVIKIT® MultiMotion manual.




Touchprobe source

Set "Inverter" as the touchprobe source.


In this case, the selection of the touchprobe mode is irrelevant because it is overwritten by the SRL program.



Source for actuating the trigger, e.g. DI 01 or DI 02


Selection of the type of edge used for triggering. This parameter cannot be set using the SRL program.

  • Rising edge
  • Falling edge
  • Rising and falling edge

Sensor dead time rising edge

Optional setting of the dead time of the sensor in use for the rising edge at the trigger input. This time will be included in the calculation of the touchprobe event value.