Establishing the basic state
When a program is started, the software automatically creates a defined basic state, which means that certain motion control parameters are set. This basic state is not established when calling subprograms.
The following parameters are set each time the program is started:
- The target position is set to the current position. In this way only individual coordinates can be controlled irrespective of previous programs without changing the other coordinates.
- Blending is turned on with the following default settings:
- Blending distance 0 mm (leads to exact stop)
- Limitation to 50% of the length of the following segment
- Dimension for circular blending 1%
- Limitation of the centrifugal acceleration to 100% of the path acceleration of the adjacent segments
- The base coordinate system is selected.
- The specified target is set to absolute position control (not to relative position control).
- The type of movement is set to linear interpolation.
- The X-Y plane is set as the plane for circular interpolation and tangential control.
- The specification for additional positions in circular interpolation is set to relative position control.
- The parameters Constellation and JointPhase[1..6] of PTP commands are set to 0.
- The parameters for path events are set to their default values:
- Reference point = start of segment
- Distance = 0 mm
- Time interval = 0 s
- The parameters for touchprobe events and sensor-based positioning are set to default values:
- Trigger source = inverter
- Index of the trigger Boolean variable = 1
- Level = rising edge
- Mode = single
- Measuring direction = Z
- Length of remaining travel = 0 mm
- Touchprobe counter is set to "0"
- The parameters for tangential control are set to their default values:
- Tangential control is deactivated
- Angular offset between the path tangents and the coordinate axis of the tool coordinate system to be aligned = 0
- Limit angle for execution of a lifting movement and/or IEC function calls before and after alignment = 0
- Lifting height for alignment = 0
- Deactivate the use of IEC function calls before and after alignment movement
- Indices of IEC function calls before and after alignment movement = 0
- If an IEC function call has been bound to the robot, which implements the IEstablishBasicState interface, its "EstablishBasicState()" method is called. See also IEC function call with method for establishing a basic state.