Blending with branching

The following example illustrates blending from one path segment to another path segment depending on the BOOLEAN variable ToTheLeft:

  • Path segment 1: MotionSet Fast, LIN, target position PoseApproach
  • Path segment 2, depending on the BOOLEAN variable ToTheLeft:
  • BlendingDistance Small, MOTIONSET Slow, LIN, target position PoseLeft
  • or
  • BlendingDistance Large, MOTIONSET Medium, LIN, target position PoseRight


Depending on the point to be approached, PoseLeft or PoseRight, e.g. to avoid collisions with the BlendingDistance Small or Large, blending to the second path segment is to be performed. The decision where to move to, however, is only made during the movement to the intermediate position PoseApproach. For this purpose, WAIT Ready is used to wait before the BOOLEAN variable ToTheLeft is evaluated.

SRL program



Collision object


Start position


Intermediate position PoseApproach


At this point the BOOLEAN variable Ready becomes TRUE


Small blending curve: BlendingDistance Small


Target position PoseLeft


Large blending curve: BlendingDistance Large


Target position PoseRight