Interpolation methods
The interpolation of curve point tables can be performed using one of the following interpolation methods:
- Linear (for up to 1024 curve points)
- Since a linear function is used to interpolate between the curve points, jumps in the speed profile can occur at the curve points. This method can be used meaningfully only if the gradient of the interpolating straight lines and consequently the speed in the curve points changes only slightly.
- Polynom_3 (for up to 1024 curve points)
- Interpolation between the curve points is performed with a 3rd order polynomial; the speed value in a curve point is estimated using the adjacent curve points. The result is a process in which there are no jumps in the speed profile at the curve points, but there are still jumps in the acceleration profile.
- Spline (for up to 64 curve points)
- With this method, interpolation between the curve points is also performed with a 3rd order polynomial. However, the algorithm determines the speed in each curve point in such a way that there is a continuous speed and acceleration profile. Only a maximum of 64 curve points can be interpolated because this method is rather complex in mathematical terms.