Reference travel (Homing)
Unlike Reference travel (Homing) as described in the chapter "Basic axis functions" (referencing of the inverter), the Homing operating mode in the ProfileGeneration structure allows for referencing the profile generation. The same reference travel types as for the inverter are basically available for referencing the profile generation. Only the types "ZeroPulseNegDir", "ReferencingWithoutRefTravelRT8" and "FixedStopPos" as well as "FixedStopNeg" are not supported. As this is an interpolating operating mode, this mode can be activated simultaneously with the other interpolating operating modes. Simultaneous execution of the operating modes is shown in the figure in chapter Profile generation (ProfileGeneration).
Operating principle
When referencing the profile generation in the Homing operating mode, the position of profile generation is shifted by an offset. This offset is then deduced again from the position transferred as setpoint to the axis. The setpoint profile towards the axis runs continuously.
The currently effective offset is displayed via the variables lrActualMotionOffsetUserUnit and diActualMotionOffsetPLCUnit in the OUT structure under ProfileGeneration as well as in the _fbProfileGenerationControl structure under AxisName.
When using the "Homing" operating mode, the setpoint position of profile generation and the setpoint position/actual position of the inverter are offset from each other by a position offset. If absolute positioning of profile generation does not take into account that the axis is moved to a position offset by the position offset, collisions may occur in axes with limited travel range or mechanical intervention.
Death, severe injuries, damage to property
- Do not use this operating mode for axes with finite travel range or with mechanical intervention. This operating mode is not critical when used with endlessly turning axes without mechanical intervention, such as simple conveyor belts or rotary tables.
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