Managing additional/large SRL programs
By default, 20 SRL programs are available to the user. Each SRL program can contain a certain amount of commands. The memory occupied by the current program is displayed in the RobotMonitor in the lower right corner of the program editor. Programs that are larger can be displayed, exported and imported, but they cannot be saved in one of the default program slots 1-20 on the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.
For SRL programs that do not fit into one of the program slots 1-20, additional SRL programs can be created and configured in the required size. The number and size of these additional programs are limited by the free RAM of the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.
Another use case for using the function is the need for more than 20 program slots. For this application, the additional SRL programs do not have to be configured larger than the default program slots 1-20.