Closed-loop speed control

To enhance the accuracy of path speed, deviations from setpoints that are detected with a measuring wheel can be minimized by means of closed-loop speed control.

Closed-loop speed control is carried out with a PID controller. Deviations from setpoints can arise due to inaccuracies in diameter acquisition.

The "closed-loop speed control" is activated by setting xSpeedControl to "TRUE" (ST_Config_LineSpeed).

In operation, the closed-loop speed control is switched on when the start condition is fulfilled and the switch-on delay uiSwitschOnDelay (ST_Config_LineSpeed) has expired.

The closed-loop speed control switches off if the actual value of the path speed is outside the specified uiToleranz (ST_Config_LineSpeed) for the duration of uiOutRangeTime (ST_Config_LineSpeed). The xErrorFeedbacksignal output variable is set.

The error is reset with the xResetErrorFeedbackSignal input signal. Closed-loop speed control switches back on after the activation delay has elapsed. The xErrorFeedbacksignal output variable is reset.