Configuration – PID (ST_Config_PID)

Variable name






Data type – LREAL

Scaling of the actual value signal:

For scaling the actual value signal, 2 pair of values must be specified which result from the U1/U2 input signal with the corresponding tension/dancer position P1/P2.

A positive characteristic curve is displayed in this figure. For a negative characteristic curve, enter a value for P1 that is greater than P2.


Data type – UINT

Filter time (VZ1 filter) in ms of the scaled actual value signal


Data type – LREAL

Controller gain (P component)

Active if xKPdynOFF = "TRUE" to switch off the dynamic gain during startup and to test different values.


Data type – LREAL

Integral time (I component) in ms

High values (e.g. 60 000 ms) have a very small influence and small values (e.g. 1000 ms) a very large influence.


Data type – LREAL

Derivative time (D component) in ms

INFORMATION: 0 ms deactivates this component.


Data type – BOOL

  • TRUE – Temporarily switch off PID control for startup In doing so, the I component is deleted and the controller output is set to "0".
  • FALSE – Do not switch off PID control



Data type – UINT

Positive or negative limitation of the PID controller output signal. The values must be specified in the following unit depending on the operating mode:

  • Torque control with closed-loop tension control – N
  • Closed-loop dancer position control – min-1
  • Closed-loop tension control via setpoint speed – min-1
  • Speed control with closed-loop speed control – m/min


Data type – UINT

Weighting of the PID controller output signal in % to decrease or increase the influence

INFORMATION: 100% corresponds to the factor 1.


Data type – UINT

Weighting of the precontrol (current path speed) in % for the closed-loop dancer position control operating mode and closed-loop tension control via setpoint speed

INFORMATION: 100% corresponds to the factor 1.


Data type – UINT

Filter time (VZ1 filter) of the input signal lrActualLineSpeed in ms


Data type – BOOL

  • TRUE – Switching off dynamic controller gain KpDynD and KpDynV during startup to test different gain values via the lrKP input.
  • FALSE – The dynamic diameter-dependent and speed-dependent controller gain is switched on.





Data type – LREAL

Parameterization of the diameter-dependent controller gain:

2 pairs of values resulting from the diameters d1 and d2 (lrKpDynDx1 and lrKpDynDx2) with the corresponding gain factors Kp1 and Kp2 (lrKpDynD1 and lrKpDynD2). By default, the controller gain must be reduced with an increasing diameter.

A negative characteristic curve is displayed in this figure. For a positive characteristic curve, enter a value for Kp1 (lrKpDynD1) that is smaller than Kp2 (lrKpDynD2).

The total controller gain results from the product of the two dynamic components:
Kptotal = KpdynD × KpdynV





Data type – LREAL

Parameterization of the speed-dependent controller gain:

2 pairs of values resulting from the path speeds v1 and v2 (lrKpDynVx1 and lrKpDynVx2) with the corresponding gain factors Kp1 and Kp2 (lrKpDynV1 and lrKpDynV2). By default, the controller gain must be increased with an increasing speed. A positive characteristic curve is displayed in this figure. For a negative characteristic curve, enter a value for Kp1 (lrKpDynV1) that is greater than Kp2 (lrKpDynV2).

The total controller gain results from the product of the two dynamic components:
Kptotal = KpdynD × KpdynV