Group disconnection via CS..A

The safety option has an internal safe digital output for switching the inverter's internal STO function as well as 3 additional axes of the MOVIDRIVE® modular/system/technology inverter. No other components may be connected to the inverter's STO terminal X6.

The following conditions apply for shutting down the 3 additional axes:

  • The cable length is limited to a maximum of 3 m up to the last axis.
  • Cabling is permitted only within a control cabinet.
  • The M-terminal of the individual axes must also be connected.
  • No CS..A safety option is allowed to be installed in the additional axes.
  • F‑DO_STO's advanced diagnostics is available only for the device's internal STO circuit of the axis with a plugged CS..A safety option.
  • For the additional axes, only short circuits of the cabling are detected.
  • A connection according to the following figure is permissible:


STO terminal X6 of a MOVI-C® MOVIDRIVE® with a CS..A safety option


STO terminal X6 of a MOVI-C® MOVIDRIVE® without a CS..A safety option