This configuration menu is only available with the "MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Camming" license.
Parameter name | Value |
Electronic cam (camming) | |
Master source |
Index: 50006.5 | |
IEC name: - | |
Master axis name Information: Visible with master source "Configured axis". | Selects the master axis. |
Index: 50006.1 | |
IEC name: - | |
EncoderInterface name Information: Visible with master source "EncoderInterface". | Selection of the EncoderInterface |
Index: 50006.11 | |
IEC name: - | |
General | |
Behavior at end of cycle |
Index: 50006.19 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Camming.CONFIG.Start.eCycleMode | |
Synchronizing | |
Synchronization behavior |
Index: 50006.13 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Camming.CONFIG.Start.eStartMode | |
Synchronization distance | Synchronization distance in user units (master) |
Index: 50006.8 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Camming.CONFIG.Start.lrGearInDistance | |
Synchronization offset | Offset during synchronization to the reference position in user units (master) |
Index: 50006.9 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Camming.CONFIG.Start.lrGearInOffset | |
Reference position during synchronization | Reference position in user units (master) |
Index: 50006.10 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Camming.CONFIG.Start.lrGearInReferencePosition | |
Keep last configured phase correction |
Index: 50006.15 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Camming.CONFIG.Start.xStartWithLastCorrection | |
Desynchronizing | |
Desynchronization behavior |
Index: 50006.14 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Camming.CONFIG.Stop.eStopMode | |
Desynchronization distance | Desynchronization distance in user units (master) |
Index: 50006.11 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Camming.CONFIG.Stop.lrGearOutDistance | |
Stop position after desynchronization | Stop position after desynchronization in user units (master) |
Index: 50006.12 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Camming.CONFIG.Stop.lrGearOutStopPosition | |
Curve change | |
Curve change trigger |
Index: 50006.17 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Camming.CONFIG.Change.eChangeMode | |
Behavior on curve change |
Index: 50006.16 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Camming.CONFIG.Change.eTransitionMode | |
Reference position on curve change | Reference position on curve change |
Index: 50006.18 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Camming.CONFIG.Change.lrChangeReferencePosition | |
X offset correction | |
Mode |
Index: 50009.31 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Gearing.XOffsetCorrection.eOffsetCorrectionMode | |
Transition | Type of travel profile:
Index: 50009.32 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Gearing.XOffsetCorrection.eTransitionType | |
Master distance | Distance of the master axis within which a master-based offset correction is performed. |
Index: 50009.33 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Gearing.XOffsetCorrection.lrMasterDistance | |
Y offset correction | |
Mode |
Index: 50009.34 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Gearing.YOffsetCorrection.eOffsetCorrectionMode | |
Transition | Type of travel profile:
Index: 50009.35 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Gearing.YOffsetCorrection.eTransitionType | |
Master distance | Distance of the master axis within which a master-based offset correction is performed. |
Index: 50009.36 | |
IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Gearing.YOffsetCorrection.lrMasterDistance |