Touchprobe 1
Only included if the function is activated in the "Basic settings" configuration menu under "Functions used".
Parameter name | Value |
General | |
Touchprobe source | Selection of the touchprobe source:
Index: 50008.1 | |
IEC name: - | |
Mode | Selection of the touchprobe mode:
Index: 50008.2 | |
IEC name: TouchProbe.Config.eTouchProbeMode | |
Trigger | |
Source | Source for activating the trigger for recording a signal |
Index: 8352.10 | |
IEC name: - | |
Event | Selection of the type of edge that triggers the system:
Index: 8352.11 | |
IEC name: - | |
Sensor dead time rising edge | Dead time of the sensor used for the rising edge at the trigger input. This time will be included in the calculation of the touchprobe event value. |
Index: 8352.12 | |
IEC name: Parameter.TouchProbe1.TriggerSensorDeadTimeRisingEdge | |
Sensor dead time falling edge | Dead time of the sensor used for the falling edge at the trigger input. This time will be included in the calculation of the touchprobe event value. |
Index: 8352.13 | |
IEC name: Parameter.TouchProbe1.TriggerSensorDeadTimeFallingEdge | |
Counter | Counter of trigger events. This value is incremented by the value 1 with each trigger event. |
Index: 8352.14 | |
IEC name: Parameter.TouchProbe1.TriggerCounter | |
Data source | |
Data source | Data source for trigger recording |
Index: 8352.30 | |
IEC name: - | |
PO data format | Selection of the format of the process data:
The data format is specified when accessing the PO data words. The PO data has a word width of 16 bits and can be combined to a 32‑bit value using the PO data format. This parameter has no effect for data sources with a word width of 32 bits. |
Index: 8352.31 | |
IEC name: - | |
Process data – modulo minimum | Modulo minimum of the source. Is only required if the data source is to be recorded at the time of the modulo change. |
Index: 8352.32 | |
IEC name: - | |
Process data – modulo maximum | Modulo maximum of the source. Is only required if the data source is to be recorded at the time of the modulo change. |
Index: 8352.33 | |
IEC name: - | |
Process data – dead time | Setting to compensate for the runtime of the process data |
Index: 8352.34 | |
IEC name: - | |
Process data – cycle time | Setting to compensate for the runtime of the process data |
Index: 8352.35 | |
IEC name: - |