Type designation of the power section

The following table shows an example of a type designation for the power section:


Power section

MPI = MOVIPRO® power section


Integrated power supply unit

90 = Without integrated power supply unit

91 = With 24 V power supply unit, 80 W

92 = With 24 V power supply unit, 160 W


Version A



Nominal output current

0055 = 5.5 A

0070 = 7 A

0095 = 9.5 A

0125 = 12.5 A

0160 = 16 A

0240 = 24 A

0320 = 32 A

0460 = 46 A

0620 = 62 A



Connection voltage

5 = AC 500 V


Power section variant/EMC

1 = IT system design

E = EMC filter limit value category C2


Connection type

3 = 3 phases



Supply connection

002 = Connection cable for size 2/2E/3

003 = Connection cable for size 3E

102 = Interface box for size 2/2E/3

103 = Interface box for size 3E



Number of motor interfaces

1 = One motor interface

2 = Two motor interfaces


Motor plug connector

DA = M23 interface for motors with MOVILINK® DDI interface

DB = M40 interface for motors with MOVILINK® DDI interface

D5 = Han® 10B and M23 interface for motors with MOVILINK® DDI interface

AA = M23 interface for motors without MOVILINK® DDI interface

A4 = Han® 10B interface for motors without MOVILINK® DDI interface

A5 = Han® 10B and M23 interface for motors without MOVILINK® DDI interface



Number of brake controls

0 = No integrated brake control

1 = One brake control

2 = Two brake controls


Brake control design

BM02 = BMV with DC 24 V

BD23 = AC 230 V brake control (BD1B 23)

BD40 = AC 400 V brake control (BD1B 40)

BD46 = AC 460 V brake control (BD1B 46)

BS23 = AC 230 V safe brake control (SBM I-230-120-00)

BS40 = AC 400 V safe brake control (SBM I-400-120-00)

BS46 = AC 460 V safe brake control (SBM I-460-120-00)

0052 = Preparation of BG1Z


Temperature range and cooling

/C10 = Extended temperature range > 40 °C

/C02 = External fan

/C12 = External fan and extended temperature range > 40 °C