Lifting applications

Perform the following additional steps before starting up the lifting applications:

  1. WARNING! Danger from falling hoist. Severe or fatal injuries. Observe the following information.
  2. WARNING! Danger from falling hoist. Severe or fatal injuries. Do not use the "Release brake/deactivateDynaStop® with FCB01" function in lifting devices or applications with loads that may potentially fall down. Disable the function as follows:
    • Disable the function using the parameter Release brake/deactivate DynaStop® with FCB01 – Enable = "0" (Path: Functions > Drive functions > FCB01 Output stage inhibit).
  3. NOTICE! When operating the inverter in the ELSM® control mode, its use in lifting applications is not permitted. Operate the inverter in the ELSM® control mode only in applications with horizontal materials handling technology.
  4. In the MOVISUITE® engineering software, configure the parameters according to the lifting application requirements and its safety assessment.
    • In the case of drives with a brake, set the parameter Apply brake in STO state (8501.3) = "1" (Yes), path: Functions > Drive functions > FCB01 output stage inhibit, see chapter "Mechanical brake in conjunction with STO".
    • Set parameter Integrator mode (8404.9) = "0" (hold). Path: Optimization AS1/2 > Set controller dynamics > Advanced settings.