Fault list
Code (inverter display) | Code (MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio in P0-13) | Fault code | CANopen Emergency Code | Meaning | Measure |
4-20 F | 18 | 0x71 | 0x1012 | Signal loss 4 – 20 mA (> 500 ms) |
AtF-01 | 40 | 0x51 | 0x1028 | The measured stator resistance fluctuates between the phases. | The measured stator resistance of the motor is asymmetrical. Check whether:
AtF-02 | 41 | 0x51 | 0x1029 | The measured stator resistance is too high. | The measured stator resistance of the motor is too high. Check whether:
AtF-03 | 42 | 0x51 | 0x102A | Measured motor inductance is too low. | The measured motor inductance is too low. Check whether the motor is connected correctly and free of faults. |
AtF-04 | 43 | 0x51 | 0x102B | Measured motor inductance is too high. | The measured motor inductance is too high. Check whether:
AtF-05 | 44 | 0x51 | 0x102C | Timeout of inductance measurement | The measured motor parameters are not convergent. Check whether:
dAtA-E | 19 | 0x62 | 0x1013 | Internal memory error (DSP) | Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. |
dAtA-F | 17 | 0x62 | 0x1011 | Internal memory error (IO) | Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. |
E-triP | 11 | 0x1A | 0x100B | External error at digital input 5. | NC contact was opened.
Enc-01 | 30 | 0x0E | 0x101E | Communication error between encoder card and inverter. | The encoder feedback is activated in P6-05, and no encoder card is plugged in or the encoder card is not recognized. |
ENC02 | 31 | 0x0E | 0x101F | Speed error (P6-07) | The difference between the actual speed and setpoint speed is greater than the percentage value set in P6-07. This error applies only to vector control or control with encoder feedback. Set a higher value in P6-07. If you wish to deactivate speed monitoring, set P6-07 to 100%. |
Enc-03 | 32 | 0x0E | 0x1020 | Incorrect PPR count parameterized. | Check the parameter settings in P6-06 and P1-10. |
Enc-04 | 33 | 0x0E | 0x1021 | Encoder channel A fault | The A track of the encoder feedback is not present. Check the wiring. |
Enc-05 | 34 | 0x0E | 0x1022 | Encoder channel B fault | The B track of the encoder feedback is not present. Check the wiring. |
Enc-06 | 35 | 0x0E | 0x1023 | Encoder channel A and B fault | The A and B tracks of the encoder feedback are not present. Check the wiring. |
Enc-07 | 36 | 0x0E | 0x1024 | RS485 data channel error, HIPERFACE® data channel error | Communication error between encoder card and encoder. Check the encoder card for proper fit and contact. |
Enc-08 | 37 | 0x0E | 0x1025 | HIPERFACE® IO communication channel error | Communication error between encoder card and inverter. Check the encoder card for proper fit and contact. |
Enc-09 | 38 | 0x0E | 0x1026 | HIPERFACE® type is not supported. | During the use of Smart Servo Package, a wrong motor/inverter combination was used. Check whether:
Enc-10 | 39 | 0x0E | 0x1027 | Trigger: KTY | KTY has been triggered or is not connected. |
Er-LED |
| Display error | Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. |
Err-SC |
| The keypad has lost the communication connection to the inverter. | |
Etl-24 |
| External 24 V supply. | Line voltage supply not connected. The inverter is supplied with 24 V externally. |
| Communication between the controller and power section is interrupted | Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. |
F-Ptc | 21 | 0x1F | 0x1015 | Motor protection triggered | The connected motor protection sensor is defined in P2-33 (PTC, TF, TH, KTY, or PT1000), and connected to analog input 2 (terminal 10). |
FAN-F | 22 | 0x32 | 0x1016 | Internal fan fault. | Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. |
FLt-dc | 13 | 0x07 | 0x320D | DC link ripple too high. | Check the current supply |
Ho-trP | 27 | 0x27 | 0x101B | Fault during reference travel. |
Inhibit |
| STO safety circuit open. | Check to see if the terminals 12 and 13 are connected correctly. |
Lag-Er | 28 | 0x2A | 0x101C | Lag error | Check the following:
I.t-trp | 04 | 0x08 | 0x1004 | Overload of inverter/motor | Make sure that:
Check whether:
IO DSP COMM loss |
| Communication between the controller and the power section is interrupted | Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. |
ML |
| Line phase failure | Input phase missing or voltage is outside the specified range |
O-I | 03 | 0x01 | 0x2303 | Short-term overcurrent at the inverter output. High motor overload. | Fault during stop procedure: Check for premature brake application. Fault during inverter enable: Check whether:
Fault during operation: Check the following:
Whether the acceleration/deceleration time is too short and requires too much power. If you cannot increase P1-03 or P1-04, use a larger inverter. Measures: Reduce the setting of the voltage enhancement in P1-11. Set a longer run-up time in P1-03. Disconnect the motor from the inverter. Enable the inverter again. If this fault occurs again, check the entire system and completely replace the inverter. Fault reset delay (dELAy.t) If the fault occurs again directly after the O-I or hO-I fault messages are reset, the following delay times result for repeated resetting:
The delay is reset to 4 seconds if no further fault occurs within the delay time. |
hO-I | 15 | 0x01 | 0x230F | Hardware overcurrent fault at the inverter output (IGBT self-protection in case of overload). | |
O-hEAt | 23 | 0x7C | 0x4117 | Ambient temperature too high. | Check if the ambient conditions are within the range specified for inverters. |
OL |
| Overload | The output current is higher than the nominal motor current |
O-t | 8 | 0x0B |
| Heat sink overtemperature | The heat sink temperature can be displayed in P0-21. A history log is saved in parameter P0-38 every 30 s before a switch-off with fault. This fault message is displayed at a heat sink temperature of ≥90 °C. Check the following:
Reduce the settings of the effective clock frequency in parameter P2-24 or the load on the motor/inverter. |
O-torq | 24 | 0x34 | 0x1018 | Maximum torque limit timeout. | Check the motor load. Set a higher value in P6-17 if necessary. If you wish to deactivate torque monitoring, set P6-17 to 0.0 sec. |
O-Volt | 06 | 0x07 | 0x3206 | Overvoltage in the DC link | The fault occurs if a high flywheel load or overhauling load is connected, and the excess regenerative energy is transferred back to the inverter. If a fault occurs while stopping or during deceleration, increase the deceleration ramp time P1-04 or connect a suitable braking resistor to the inverter. The proportional gain in P4-03 is reduced in vector mode. In PID control mode, ensure that the ramps are active by reducing P3-11. Additionally check if the supply voltage is within the specified range. Information: The value of the DC bus voltage can be displayed in P0-20. A historical log is saved in parameter P0-36 at 256 ms intervals prior to a switch-off with fault. |
OI-b | 01 | 0x04 | 0x2301 | Braking channel overcurrent, braking resistor overload | Make sure that the connected braking resistor does not fall below the minimum value approved for the inverter (see technical data). Check the braking resistor and the cabling for possible short circuits. See also fault reset delay for O-I and hO-I faults |
OL-br | 02 | 0x04 | 0x1002 | Braking resistor overloaded | The thermal overload protection function of the braking resistor is active (P6-19 and P6-20). The protection function has detected an overload of the braking resistor.
OF-01 | 60 | 0x1C | 0x103C | Internal connection to option module fault. | Check if all optional fieldbus cards correspond to the same fieldbus type. Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service |
OF-02 | 61 | 0x1C | 0x103D | Option module fault | Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
Out-F | 26 | 0x52 | 0x101A | Inverter output stage fault |
P-LOSS | 14 | 0x06 | 0x310E | Line phase failure | An input phase has been separated or interrupted at an inverter planned for a 3-phase supply. |
P-dEF | 10 | 0x09 | 0x100A | Factory settings have been restored. |
Ph-Ib |
| Unequal voltage on the line phases |
The values may deviate by a maximum ±10%. Use an input choke if required. |
Ph-SEq | 45 | 0x51 |
| Line phases swapped | The inverter requires the correct line phase sequence for controlling the internal fan. Swap any two line phases. |
PS-trP | 05 | 0xC8 | 0x1005 | Output stage fault (IGBT self-protection in case of overload) | See O-I fault. |
SC-0b5 | 12 | 1D |
| Connection between inverter and keypad interrupted. | Check if there is a connection between the inverter and keypad. |
SC-F01 | 50 | 0x2B | 0x1032 | Modbus communication error | Check the communication settings. |
SC-F02 | 51 | 0x2F | 0x1033 | SBus/CANopen communication error | Check the following:
SC-F03 | 52 | 0x29 | 0x1034 | Fieldbus module communication error (fieldbus side) | Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. |
SC-F04 | 53 | 0x29 | 0x1035 | IO option card communication error | Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. |
SC-F05 | 54 | 0x29 | 0x1036 | LTX module communication error | Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. |
SC-LoS |
| Communication between the controller and power section is interrupted | Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. |
| Communication failure with other devices |
SF |
| Switching frequency decreased | The PWM frequency was automatically decreased due to the heat sink temperature. |
SP-Err | 31 | 0x0E | 0x101F | Speed error (P6-07) | The difference between the actual speed and setpoint speed is greater than the percentage value set in P6-07. This error applies only to vector control or control with encoder feedback. Set a higher value in P6-07. If you wish to deactivate speed monitoring, set P6-07 to 100%. |
Sto-F | 29 | 0x73 | 0x101D | STO circuit fault | The safety relay must not transmit test pulses. Check the voltage source. STO+ at terminal 12 must be > 18 V. |
StoP |
| The inverter is not enabled. | Activate the enable. Make sure that the enable is switched on after the STO for the hoist function. |
th-Flt | 16 | 0x1F | 0x1010 | Faulty thermistor on the heat sink. | Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. |
type-f |
| Parameter module and inverter are not compatible. | The parameter module used is not of type LT BP C |
U-dEF |
| User settings loaded. | The parameter set saved in P6-26 is restored. |
U-torq | 25 | 0x34 | 0x1019 | Minimum torque limit timeout (hoist). | The torque threshold has not been exceeded in time. Adjust the time in P4-16 according to the premagnetization time (P7-12). Check the torque limit in P4-15. |
U-t | 09 | 0x75 | 0x4209 | Undertemperature | The ambient temperature is below the specified ambient temperature range (10.2 Ambient conditions). Provide a suitable heat source. |
U-Volt | 07 | 0xC6 | 0x3207 | DC link undervoltage | Occurs routinely when switching off the inverter. Check the line voltage if this occurs while the inverter is running. |
USr-cL |
| Parameter backup successfully deleted | The parameter set was successfully deleted using P6-26. |
USr-PS |
| Parameter backup successfully completed. | The parameter set was successfully backed up using P6-26. |