Configuring the drive behavior at standstill (FCB 02, FCB 13, FCB 14)

The parameter Behavior at standstill defines the drive behavior in case the drive enable is revoked and the motor is at standstill (path: Functions > Drive functions > FCB 02 Stop default). This parameter is effective when the function blocks FCB 02, FCB 13 and FCB 14 are active.

The following table lists the drive behavior after motor standstill:






Behavior at standstill

(Path: Functions > Drive functions > FCB02 Stop default)

Drive energized (brake released) if there is a brake present.

If the enable signals are revoked, the drive decelerates according to the active deceleration setpoint. When the speed is "0", the brake remains released. Motor position hold control is active.

Drive not energized (brake applied)

If the enable signals are revoked, the drive decelerates according to the active deceleration setpoint. When the speed is "0", the brake is applied. The motor is de-energized.