Overview of fault responses


Only included if the "Position controller" function is activated in the "Basic settings" configuration menu under "Functions used".

Parameter name


Basic settings for central stop profile

Fault response

Behavior of the profile generation in case of a fault:

  • Stop without ramps
  • The profile generator abruptly freezes at the current setpoint position.
  • Stop at application limit
  • The profile generator creates a stop profile with the deceleration specified in the application limits.
  • Stop with emergency stop deceleration
  • The profile generator creates a stop profile with the specified emergency stop deceleration.

Index: 50000.11

IEC name: ProfileGeneration.Config.eErrorReaction

Anti-sway control

Setpoint position response of the lifting axis not initialized (E120.24)

If the travel axis is intended to be moved with the activated anti-sway control without the lifting axis being previously enabled once, the following fault response can be configured:

  • No response
  • Warning + no response
  • Fault + central stop profile


INFORMATION: If the lifting axis is not enabled once after switching the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER off and on again, the position of the lifting axis cannot be determined. In this case, it is assumed that the lifting position is at the maximum height of the tower (worst case).

Index: 50010.202

IEC name: –