Limit values

The availability of the settings fields described below depends on the axis type (standard or virtual).
Parameter name | Value |
Application limits | |
Positive speed | Limits the maximum positive speed permitted for moving the system. (in user units) |
Index: 8357.10 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrAppLimitVelocityPositive | |
Negative speed | Limits the maximum negative speed permitted for moving the system. (in user units) |
Index: 8357.11 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrAppLimitVelocityNegative | |
Acceleration | Limits the maximum acceleration permitted for accelerating the system. (in user units) |
Index: 8357.12 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrAppLimitAcceleration | |
Deceleration | Limits the maximum deceleration permitted for braking the system. (in user units) |
Index: 8357.13 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrAppLimitDeceleration | |
Jerk time | Limits the jerk time in [ms] The jerk time takes effect in torque control (FCB 07), speed control (FCB 05), and positioning control (FCB 09), as well as in manual mode. The positioning process extends to twice the set jerk time. |
Index: 8357.14 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrAppLimitJerkTime | |
Torque | Limits the maximum torque that may be applied to the system in [Nm] |
Index: 8357.15 | |
IEC name: - | |
Limits | |
Emergency stop deceleration | Deceleration for the ramp that is activated during an emergency stop. An emergency stop can be programmed as a response to a fault (in user units). |
Index: 8357.20 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrRapidStopDeceleration | |
Cycle limit | |
Modulo minimum | Lower modulo limit (in user units) INFORMATION: The value is limited to -1000000000 ≤ modulo minimum * 10no. of decimal places
If a value ≠ 0 is set, modulo minimum must be < modulo maximum. |
Index: 8357.30 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrModuloMin | |
Modulo maximum | Upper modulo limit (in user units) INFORMATION: The value is limited to -1000000000 ≤ modulo maximum * 10no. of decimal places
If a value ≠ 0 is set, modulo minimum must be < modulo maximum. |
Index: 8357.31 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrModuloMax | |
Lag error | |
Lag error window DT1 | Lag error from which drive train 1 signals a fault (in user units). |
Index: 8510.4 | |
IEC name: - | |
Limit values from startup | |
Maximum speed at motor shaft | Maximum permitted speed at the motor shaft calculated from motor and gear unit data during startup in [min-1]. |
Index: 8360.9 | |
IEC name: - | |
Maximum torque at motor shaft | Maximum permitted torque at the motor shaft calculated from motor and gear unit data during startup in [Nm]. |
Index: 8360.11 | |
IEC name: - | |
Limit values | |
Skew error window | Position window for the permitted skew error between the axis group members (in user units). If this window is exceeded, an error will be issued and the set fault response will be performed. Default value: 0 |
Index: 50011.24 | |
IEC name: Controller.MAC.Config.SkewLeveling.lrSkewErrorWindow | |
Lag error window | Window of the actual lag error (in user units). No lag error is created when the setting is "0". Default value: 0 |
Index: 50012.03 | |
IEC name: Controller.PositionController.Config.lrLagErrorWindow |