
The G-code import must be parameterized when the import process of a certain file is started. The same setting options are available here as for manual G-code import in RobotMonitor.

Variable name



Data type – UINT

Program slot on which the converted G-code program is written.


Data type: STRING(127)

Name or complete path of the file to be imported. If the file is specified with an absolute path, the G-code import service uses this and ignores the set source directory. In this case, the source directory does not need to be specified. If only one file name is used, the source directory in stDirectory.sPath must have been specified beforehand; this is the directory in which the G-code import service should search for the file.


Data type – SEW_RobGCode.E_GCodeDialects

G-code dialect

  • 0 = Norm1 = Beckhoff2 = Siemens


Data type – REAL – floating-point number

Factor by which all translational coordinates are scaled, default value 1.0. Specification as floating-point number, e.g. 1.5


Data type – REAL – floating-point number

Factor by which all rotational coordinates are scaled, default value 1.0. Specification as floating-point number, e.g.: 1.5


Data type – REAL – floating-point number

Factor by which all speed values are scaled, default value 1.0. Specification as floating-point number, e.g.: 1.5


Data type – UINT

Optional SRL blocks that should be inserted at the beginning of the G-code program. The available optional SRL blocks are contained in the
SEW_RobGCode.E_GCodeInsertSRLCommand enumeration. If no block should be inserted, the variable must be written to 0. For an optional block, the enumeration value is assigned directly, e.g.

uiInsertSrlCommmands :=
Blending; (* Enumeration value 1 *)

If several blocks should be inserted, the values of the enumeration must be linked with an OR operator and then assigned to the configuration, e.g.

uiInsertSrlCommmands :=
Blending (* Enumeration value 1 *) OR
MotionSet(* Enumeration value 2 *);


Data type: USINT

Index of the motion set for the optional
E_GCodeRLCommand.MotionSet block. The value must correspond to an available motionset (1 - 8).


Data type – REAL

Blending distance in mm for the optional
SEW_RobGCode.E_GCodeInsertSRLCommands.Blending block. A floating-point number can be used as the value.


Data type – BOOL

With a rising edge, start the parameterized import.


Data type – BOOL

With a rising edge, cancel the running import. To evaluate whether the command was carried out successfully, the stOut.xFileImported variable must be evaluated before and after the signal was sent. The variable must be "FALSE".