Starting the G-code import service application on the import computer


Make sure that the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER which wants to use the G-code import can reach the import computer in the network and that the configured port is enabled for the TCP protocol. The port can be specified as an argument via -Port:x when calling the application ("x" stands for the port number). The default port number is TCP 2392. If you want to use a different port, select a number from the range of dynamic/private port numbers (49152 – 65535). If several robot instances should use the G-code import, the import service must be started separately for each instance with its own port number.
  1. Install the RobotMonitor (desktop or panel version).
    • The GCodeImportService.exe application is located in the RobotMonitor installation directory (default path: C:\Programs (x86)\SEW\MOVIKIT Robotics Monitor (+ Versionsnummer)).
  2. Start the application on the import computer by double-clicking it. INFORMATION: Alternatively, you can also start the application, for example, via your operating system's autostart manager.
    • The G-code import service now provides its services for the IEC function block without further configuration.
    • The IEC function block for G-code import can now connect to the import service.
  3. To exit the application, type exit in the console window or close the program via "x".


As soon as the import of a G-code is requested from the import service via the IEC function block for the G-code import, the corresponding G-code file must be available in the parameterized source directory on the import computer. Otherwise, the robot will issue an error in the IEC.