Error management and correction

Any errors that occur in the function block for G-code import must be addressed by the user. To continue the execution, the error must be corrected accordingly and reset via the robot. Some errors also require a reinitialization of the function block by calling it with stIn.stCommunication.xEnable = FALSE. The possible causes and the recommended responses to the errors can be found below.


Synchronization mechanisms between the import service and third-party applications on the import computer (e.g. a CAD program that automatically generates G-code) must be created by the user. When executing a functionality, the G-code import service tries to fulfill it immediately and reports an error if this was not successful. This means, for example, that the G-code import service does not wait for a file to be created, but immediately reports an error if it does not exist under the specified path.
G-code import service on the import computer

The error messages are also output by the import function block.

  • ERRORID_DIR_NOT_FOUND (0x81E0): The specified source directory could not be set because it was not found, or the directory of the absolute path of the file to be imported was not found. The import was not started. Check and correct the directory path.
  • ERRORID_DIR_ACCESS_DENIED (0x81E1): The specified source directory could not be accessed because the access rights of the import service application on the import computer were insufficient, or the directory of the absolute path of the file to be imported could not be accessed. In particular, check the permissions of the network drives. The import was not started. Start the application with higher privileges, or allow the import computer and the application to access the folder.
  • ERRORID_FILE_NOT_FOUND (0x81E2): The specified file to be imported could not be found. Check whether the file existed at the time of the import process, if it exists at all in the specified directory, or if the path of the source directory is correct.
  • ERRORID_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED (0x81E3): The specified file to be imported could not be accessed. Start the application with higher privileges, or allow the import computer and the application to access the file.
  • ERRORID_UNABLE_TO_START_IMPORT (0x81E4): The import process could not be performed due to an incorrect configuration (e.g. if no file name was specified). Check the configuration of your import.
  • ERRORID_UNABLE_TO_STOP_IMPORT (0x81E5): The currently running import process cannot be canceled due to an error. Try to stop the import again and note the output variables stOut.stProcess.xFileImported and stOut.stProcess.xImportRunning.
  • ERRORID_SOURCEDIR_NOT_SET (0x81E5): An attempt was made to retrieve files from the source directory or to use only a file name without an absolute path to start the import without specifying it beforehand. Check that the source directory is set and verify the path to the source directory.
  • ERRORID_ERROR_ON_IMPORT (0x81EF): An unexpected error occurred during the import. Check the error message in RobotMonitor or in the IEC Editor log for information and restart the import.
G-code import function block:
  • RobotGCodeImport_InterfaceError (16#81F0): The necessary interfaces of the robot were not found. Linking of the robot by assigning the robot instance using the LinkModule() method.
  • RobotGCodeImport_UnknownMessageTypeReceived (16#81F1): Unknown message received from G-code import service. Check if the import service application was started with the same port as configured in the import function block.
  • RobotGCodeImport_InvalidProgramSlot (16#81F2): An incorrect program slot was set as the import target. The import was not started.
  • RobotGCodeImport_NoSourcePathGiven (16#81F3): No source directory has been specified. The source directory path was empty. Write the stIn.stDirectory.
    variable and execute the previous action again
  • RobotGCodeImport_NoFileNameGiven (16#81F4): No file name or file path of a file to be imported was specified. The import was not started. Specify the file name in the import configuration in the
    stIn.stProcess.sFileName variable and start the import again.
  • RobotGCodeImport_InvalidMotionSetIndex (16#81F5): The specified
    MotionSetIndex is invalid and therefore cannot be used for import. Selection of a MotionSet in the range 1 – 8
  • RobotGCodeImport_LockingTargetProgramslotTimedOut (16#81F6): The target program slot could not be locked for the importer within a certain time. Another function block requires the program lock, e.g. because it is currently being processed. Check timing, e.g. when the robot should execute a program and when a program is imported. Match import and execution to one another.
  • RobotGCodeImport_ReceivingGCodeImporterVersionTimedOut (16#81F7): A connection could be established under the specified port and IP address. After requesting the version, a response indicating the version of the service was not received within a certain time. The block has mistakenly connected to another application. Check all open applications and ports. Change the port configuration if necessary. Or an older version of the ImportService was used.
  • RobotGCodeImport_ReceivedGCodeImporterServiceIncompatibleVersion (16#81F8): The version received from the import service is not compatible with the G-code import function block. Check version of import service and perform update.
  • RobotGCodeImport_ReceivedProgDataBeforeMeta (16#81F9): The data bytes of the SRL program were received before the meta information of the program was received. Something has disturbed the transmission of the program. The import of the program failed. Run import again.
  • RobotGCodeImport_ProgTooLargeForSelectedSlot (16#81FA): The received program is too large for the selected program slot and therefore cannot be written to this slot.
  • RobotGCodeImport_ReceivedProgCRCError (16#81FB): The received program has a difference in transmitted and calculated CRC. A transmission error has occurred. Parts of the program may be corrupt. The program on the selected program slot should not be used. The transfer should be restarted.
  • RobotGCodeImport_ScaleTranslationIsZero(16#181F0): The scaling factor of the translational coordinates is 0, therefore all commands with translational coordinates 0 are also imported.
  • RobotGCodeImport_ScaleRotationIsZero(16#181F1): The scaling factor of the rotational coordinates is 0, therefore all commands with rotational coordinates 0 are also imported.
  • RobotGCodeImport_ScaleSpeedIsZero(16#181F2): The scaling factor of the speed is 0, therefore all commands (e.g. GCode ISO F=1000) are also imported with speed 0.
  • RobotGCodeImport_StartImportIgnored (16#181F3): The import has already been started, therefore the incoming signal to stIn.xProcess.xStartImport is ignored.
  • RobotGCodeImport_UnexpectedInternalError (16#81FF): Unexpected internal error of the block. Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE.