Loading a standard program
The generated standard program overwrites the currently displayed program and the variable names.
Clicking the [Load standard program] button lets you create a standard SRL program.
A dialog opens in which you can select how many standard path segments should be included in the created program. After confirming the dialog with [OK], the standard program is automatically generated and the names of the variables used in it are set.
Operating principle
A standard program contains a certain number of standard path segments. These segments can be parameterized using robot program variables. In this way you can operate the program externally through process control, e.g. via the fieldbus interface or the IEC user interface of the software module.
Each standard path segment includes the following parameters, each of which can be specified via variables:
- Target pose of the path segment
- Blending distance to the path segment
- Number of the MotionSet used for the path segment
- End signal to indicate that the program should be ended after this path segment
- Wait signal to cause the robot not to execute the path segment until the wait signal is removed