Requesting access and enabling the axis group
- Set the xGetAccessControl variable of the SuperAxisGroup to "TRUE" to request access to the user interface of the axis group.
- If the request was successful, the xControlActive variable provides the value "TRUE".
- If the request was not successful, access was also requested by an instance with a higher priority. For the priority assignment, refer to chapter Access management.
- In the Basic.IN structure of the SuperAxisGroup, set the xEnable_EmergencyStop and xEnable_ApplicationStop variables to "TRUE" to enable the axis group.
- The 3 inverters switch to DeviceMode "VelocityInterpolated"
(The inverter's display shows FCB 6, and the eActualInverterMode variable in the Inverter.OUT structure of the SuperAxisGroup provides the value "VelocityInterpolated").