FCB concept

FCB = Function Control Block

The FCB concept describes the modular firmware design of MOVI-C® inverters. This feature ensures that a wide range of drive functions can be selected or deselected quickly and easily using control words.

All primary functions are selected as FCBs. Speed control, for example, is realized with FCB 05.

You can switch between different FCBs at any time. Switching to another FCB takes place with a maximum delay of 0.5 ms.

Different priorities are assigned to the FCBs. If an FCB with a higher priority than the currently active FCB is selected, the FCB with the higher priority is activated.

The FCBs are sorted in descending order of their priority in the following list:

  • FCB 01 Output stage inhibit
  • FCB 14 Emergency stop
  • FCB 13 Stop at application limits
  • FCB 04 Manual mode
  • FCB 05 Speed control
  • FCB 26 Stop at user limits
  • FCB 02 Default stop