Error messages

Error messages for the brake test function are displayed or signaled as follows:

  • Displayed on the device with:
    • E-46.50 safety option: Warning (for errors with response "FS – Warning") 
    • E-46.52 safety option: System error/critical error (for errors with response "FS – System error" or "FS – Critical error")
  • For more information, refer to chapter "Service" > "Fault description for basic device".
  • Signaled in the CS..A safety option with E-70.xx safe brake system
  • Positions "xx" are placeholders for a detailed error number.
  • For more information, refer to chapter "Service" > "Fault description for CS..A safety option".
  • Signaled in the process data to the higher-level controller
  • With PROFINET, signaled via the diagnostic alarm