Reference travel
For referencing axes, a controller-based reference travel is available for all axis types (MOVI-C® axis, virtual axis, CiA402 axis). Reference travel is implemented via the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER. The inverter-based reference travel is available additionally for MOVI-C® axes. Inverter-based referencing uses the inverter function FCB 12 to reference the axis.
You can select from several reference travel types. All reference travel settings can also be specified from the application at any time using the MC_SEW_ConfigHoming function block. The settings in the logical device are transferred to the inverter when the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER is started.
For reference travel types with reference cams or limit switches, the sensors must be wired to the following inputs of the inverter:
- Reference cam – DI 03
- Negative limit switch – DI 04
- Positive limit switch – DI 05
The "Reference travel" configuration menu contains the following settings:

Reference mode
Parameter name | Description |
Controller based homing | Reference travel is implemented in the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER. |
Drive based homing | When reference travel is performed via MC_Home, the inverter function "Reference travel" is executed. Currently, this operating mode is only supported by MOVI-C® axes. |
Reference travel type
Parameter name | Description |
Deactivated | Reference travel is deactivated. Referencing is not possible. |
Zero pulse – negative direction | Referencing is performed to the zero pulse (reference pulse of the encoder). The first search direction is negative. Reference point is the first zero pulse. A reference cam is not required. |
Reference cam – negative end | Referencing is performed to the negative end of the reference cam. The first search direction is negative. |
Reference cam – positive end | Referencing is performed to the positive end of the reference cam. The first search direction is positive. |
Limit switch positive/negative | The reference point is at the end of the left/right limit switch. |
Referencing without travel | With this reference travel type, the reference point is set at the current position of the drive. The drive does not perform any movement. |
Reference cam flush – positive end | Referencing is performed to a reference cam. The reference cam must start just before or in line with the positive hardware limit switch and must project into the limit switch. Reference travel starts at search speed in positive direction. When the negative end of the reference cam is reached, the drive turns and leaves the reference cam again at retraction speed. If no reference cam is found in the positive direction of rotation, an error is triggered at the positive limit switch. If the positive limit switch is hit during deceleration on the reference cam, this is ignored and referencing is continued. |
Reference cam flush – negative end | Referencing is performed to a reference cam. The reference cam must start just before or in line with the negative hardware limit switch and must project into the limit switch. Reference travel starts at search speed in negative direction. When the positive end of the reference cam is reached, the drive turns and leaves the reference cam again at retraction speed. If no reference cam is found in the negative direction of rotation, an error is triggered at the negative limit switch. If the negative limit switch is hit during deceleration on the reference cam, this is ignored and referencing is continued. |
Fixed stop positive/negative | Referencing is performed to a fixed stop. The system must be designed so that the fixed stop can withstand the load from the respective speed without damage. The search direction is positive/negative. Reference point is the positive/negative fixed stop. Information: Any hardware limit switches connected to the inverter are ignored in this reference travel configuration. Risk of jamming and crushing. |
Absolute position of encoder | With this reference travel type, only the reference bit is set and the current position of the encoder is adopted as the actual position. The reference travel type is only useful for encoders that have a direct reference to the system, such as linear encoders. The reference offset parameter is not used. |
Use drive settings | Only used for drive-based reference travel. Use this setting when a reference type of a particular device is not listed in this list. With this setting, the software module does not parameterize the reference travel of the drives. The reference travel of the drives can be configured manually using the device-specific engineering tool. |
Setting values for the various reference travel types
Parameter name | Description |
Reference to zero pulse | The input specifies whether the zero pulse (reference pulse of the encoder) is used as the reference point. The parameter is used for the following reference travel types:
Reference offset | Reference offset in user units |
Search velocity | Speed in user unit(s) used to search for a reference cam or hardware limit switch |
Retraction velocity | Speed in user unit(s) used during reference travel in the following cases: When leaving a reference cam or hardware limit switch. With the reduced speed, the drive can travel exactly to the end of the reference cam or limit switch. When searching a zero pulse (reference pulse of the encoder). During reference travel to a fixed stop. |
Acceleration | Acceleration at start or direction of rotation of reference travel |
Deceleration | Deceleration for stopping or reversing the direction of rotation during reference travel |
Got to home position | The parameter specifies whether a home position should be approached after reference travel. FALSE: The drive stops at the reference point. TRUE: The drive moves from the reference point to the home position with home velocity. |
Home position | Basic position |
Home velocity | Homing speed |
Jerk time | Jerk time |
In position – Window width | Position window for starting homing. |
In position hysteresis | Position hysteresis for homing. |
Velocity changeover before fixed stop | The input specifies when the search speed changes to retraction speed. Not selected Limit switch Reference cam |
Dwell time at fixed stop | Time in ms for how long the fixed stop remains hit as soon as the value defined in the "torque limit fixed stop" parameter is reached. Only after this time the drive is referenced. |
Torque limit at fixed stop | Torque limit in % nominal motor torque for referencing to fixed stop. After reaching this limit, the fixed stop remains hit as long as defined in the "dwell time at fixed stop" parameter. |