Profile generation (ProfileGeneration)
The function modules described below contain variables for configuring complex motion sequences.
The control and status variables of the various function modules are located in the ProfileGeneration structure. These include special structures for the various operating modes (Velocity, Positioning, etc.) as well as structures with variables that are valid across all modes.
Profile generation procedure
The setpoints generated by profile generation are transmitted cyclically and synchronously to the inverter; the inverter then processes these setpoints into an interpolating operating mode.
A characteristic feature is that multiple operating modes are activated simultaneously and, as a result, run overlapped. The following drawing illustrates the internal structure of profile generation:
If two or more operating modes are activated simultaneously, the corresponding motion profiles also overlap. This means that the speeds and accelerations of the operating modes involved in overlapping are added together. It is the user's responsibility to use this option in such a way that no malfunctions occur.
Interface in the IEC Editor