Config (ST_Config_TensionDancer)
Variable name | Description |
xDistanceSensorUsed | Data type – BOOL |
| |
uiDancerNumOfRolls | Data type – UINT |
Number of dancer rolls | |
uiDancerDistance | Data type – UINT |
Dancer distance in mm Must correspond to the scaled actual dancer position of 100%. | |
uiDancerLiftSpeed | Data type – UINT |
Lifting/lowering speed in mm/s of the dancer during the rewinding process with xStart = "TRUE" and lowering of the dancer during a standstill with xDancerRelease = "TRUE" and automatic calculation of start diameter. | |
uiDancerLiftDownPos | Data type – UINT |
Position in % to which the dancer is lowered when the xDancerRelease input is set to "TRUE". | |
uiTolerance | Data type – UINT |
Tolerance window in % in which the lrActualDancerPosition output signal must be located if closed-loop tension control is active so that the xSetpointReached output signal can be set to "TRUE". Tolerance window = lrSetpointTension ± uiTolerance | |
uiInRangeTime | Data type – UINT |
Duration in ms for how long the lrActualDancerPosition output signal must be in the tolerance window if closed-loop tension control is active so that the xSetpointReached output signal is set to "TRUE". | |
uiOutRangeTime | Data type – UINT |
Duration in ms for how long the lrActualDancerPosition output signal must be outside the tolerance window if closed-loop tension control is active so that the xSetpointReached output signal is set to "FALSE". | |
stPID | Data type – ST_Config_PID |
stGeneral | Data type – ST_Config_General |