CSS21A/CSS31A profile variant "System"
With the "System" profile variant, a 16-bit value and a 32-bit value are transmitted in addition to the bits described in the "Technology" profile variant.
The following values can be selected for the process value 2 (32-bit):
- Speed
- Rotational speed
The speed, rotational speed, and position values are processed in the CSS21A and CSS31A safety options as 32‑bit values.
The speed value also includes the parameterized decimal places. Example of a speed with 2 decimal places: v = 1234.56 mm/s. The internal numerical value is 123456. This means that there is a "1" in the high word and "57920" in the low word.
The validity for the set process values ("Process value 1" and "Process value 2") is signaled via the "Actual process value 1 qualifier" or "Actual process value 2 qualifier" bits.
The "Qualifier" bit is always "0" if an "Actual process value" is set to "Not used".