Limitation of the work envelope

Each robot has a work envelope within which it may move. The work envelope is a result of the kinematic model and of the limitations set by the software. These limitations are parameterized by the user with knowledge of both the environment and the mechanical components of the real robot.

An exceeded software limitation will automatically trigger an emergency stop and an error message (0x7e60). After a subsequent error reset, the robot can be moved in jog mode. The output signals (IEC: Basic.Out.xOutOfWorkspace, PD PO 7:1) and a warning (0x17e60) also indicate that the robot is outside the work envelope. As soon as the robot is inside the work envelope, the instructions no longer apply and a program can be started again.

The following software limitations can be parameterized for the work envelope:

Joint axis limitations
  • Limit values for rotary joints and prismatic joints actuated by a drive. These values may result, for example, from the following underlying conditions:
    • Limited mobility of the joint
    • Winding of cables
    • End positions of the linear guidance system
Cartesian limits
  • Limit values for the Cartesian coordinates of the tool center point and the tool orientation. Spatially speaking, the 3 translational limitations set up a square block within which the tool may move. The rotary limitation also restricts the permitted orientation of the tool.