Limit values
Parameter name | Description |
Application limits | |
Positive speed | Limits the maximum positive speed permitted for moving the drive. (in user units) |
Index: 8357.10 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrAppLimitVelocityPositive | |
Negative speed | Limits the maximum negative speed permitted for moving the drive. (in user units) |
Index: 8357.11 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrAppLimitVelocityNegative | |
Acceleration | Limits the maximum acceleration permitted for accelerating the drive. (in user units) |
Index: 8357.12 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrAppLimitAcceleration | |
Deceleration | Limits the maximum deceleration permitted for braking the drive. (in user units) |
Index: 8357.13 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrAppLimitDeceleration | |
Jerk time | Limits the jerk time in [ms] The jerk time is effective for the stop FCBs and in manual mode. The positioning process extends to twice the set jerk time. |
Index: 8357.14 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrAppLimitJerkTime | |
Torque | Limits the maximum torque that may be applied to the drive in [Nm] |
Index: 8357.15 | |
IEC name: - | |
Limits | |
Emergency stop deceleration | Deceleration for the ramp that is activated during an emergency stop. An emergency stop can be programmed as a response to a fault (in user units). |
Index: 8357.20 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrRapidStopDeceleration | |
Cycle limit | |
Modulo minimum
INFORMATION: A modulo minimum of "0" is required for proper functioning. | Lower modulo limits for handling process data. This limit is required for handling process data with a limited range of values (in user units). |
Index: 8357.30 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrModuloMin | |
Modulo maximum
INFORMATION: A modulo maximum of "360" is required at the beginning for proper functioning. During operation, the limit values are adjusted automatically using the "Number of tools" parameter. | Upper modulo limits for handling process data. This limit is required for handling process data with a limited range of values (in user units). The modulo maximum must be set depending on the number of tools. See Application-specific parameters. |
Index: 8357.31 | |
IEC name: ConfigHandling._stAxisConfig.lrModuloMax | |
Lag error | |
Lag error window DT1 | Lag error from which drive train 1 signals a fault (in user units). |
Index: 8510.4 | |
IEC name: - | |
Limit values from startup | |
Maximum speed at motor shaft | Maximum permitted speed at the motor shaft calculated from motor and gear unit data during startup in [min-1]. |
Index: 8360.9 | |
IEC name: - | |
Maximum torque at motor shaft | Maximum permitted torque at the motor shaft calculated from motor and gear unit data during startup in [Nm]. |
Index: 8360.11 | |
IEC name: - | |
Application limits for controller functions | |
Jerk | Jerk in user units Permanently configured jerk for all centrally calculated operating modes. When using the additional function "variable jerk", the specified jerk is limited by this value. Default value: 0 |
Index: 50040.19 | |
IEC name: - | |
Lag error | |
Lag error window | Lag error from which an error is reported (in user units) |
Index: 50012.13 | |
IEC name: Controller.PositionController.Config.lrLagErrorWindow |